Globally only 9% of plastic waste is recycled; 12% is incinerated, whilst the remaining 79% is either sent to landfill, stockpiled in developing countries or dumped on land or in the marine environment.
The UN expects the amount of plastic in oceans to triple in the next 20 years - this is unacceptable and since our company's inception we have been creating new solutions to old problems; the Net Regeneration Scheme was the first of our recycling schemes that dates back to 2016 and is to-date the only scheme of its kind in the UK.
Our circular, multi-award winning and fully traceable scheme is now widely recognized in most harbours ranging from Dover (UK) to Flint (Wales) and is now expanding into Scotland.
To date not only have we diverted over 200 tonnes of marine plastic from incineration, landfil and loss at sea but have also reintroduced the recycled materials back into our circular economy products via our Net Regeneration Scheme.

The Net Regeneration Scheme is free to:
- Fishermen
- Net Makers
- Port Authorities & Harbour Masters
- Sea Fish Producers & Aquaculture
- Beach Clean Groups & Divers concerned with ALDFG removal

Our recycling Scheme is simple and practical.
The guidelines you see here (to the right) were made for all of the Net Regeneration stakeholders, from individuals to commercial entities, governmental departments to eco-warriors; regardless of scale.
All we ask is to ensure all materials are clean, have no bio-fouling on them, nets are unknotted and have had all non-recyclable components removed. We will ask for a photograph(s) of the waste along with an approximate weight for the load prior to directing you to our sorting facility in Exeter or to the nearest Net Regeneration wheelie bin or skip.
The only thing we require from the Scheme's stakeholders is to cover the cost of transporting their load to us and we'll take care of the rest! Fees apply only if the material is sent to us in a fouled state.
Please stop sending reusables to landfills, stop paying fees, stop incinerating and contributing to increased CO2 in our atmosphere. Please use our free port reception facilities, help us divert plastic from entering the marine environment and extend it's lifetime by giving it a second life.

The Net Regeneration Scheme has been receiving global recognition as an example of best practice and sustainability within the fishing industry and beyond. It's been selected by the European Commission to provide expertise on various matters concerning Port Reception Facilities and Extended Producer Responsibility prior to developing policies. More recently, the Scheme has also been endorsed by the Global Ghost Gear Initiative's panel of experts and has also lead to the Company's Founder being awarded the title of COP 26 Climate Change Ambassador.
Furthermore, the scheme enjoys dependable and established networks which are fully traceable and span from Dover (UK South West) to Flint (Wales), reliefs cost burdens for fishermen and harbour authorities, supports industry, supports cleaner and safer oceans for all those dependent on it, gives its stakeholders pride and a great story by allowing them to participate within the circular economy whilst also closing the ‘recycling loop’ by converting the plastic waste back into products such as kayaks, body surfing handplanes, tote boxes and recycling bins. By putting recycled plastic back into the economy the Scheme also has a significant CO2 saving over using new virgin plastic and decreases emissions from incineration and landfill waste disposal.

Our Scheme is in need of constant support in order to keep expanding its good work across the whole of the UK. Partners and prospective collaborators support the scheme either by sponsorship, in-kind assistance or by purchasing plastic credits from us.
It's no secret, running a truly circular economy enterprise is not easy and working without the correct policies, infrastructure and institutional support in place can quickly translate into working against the grain; this alongside investing resources into educating behavioral change and the rest of the hardships all pioneering ventures experience leads to an immense need for collaborative efforts.
Whoever you are and whatever you do, you can help. Share our story with friends, ask your local MPs and industry leaders to look into working with us and by supporting local charity's recycling needs, innovate with us, offset your company's plastic consumption with our great work!

from waste to resource
From 'Waste to Resource' is a phrase coined by Odyssey Innovation's Founder, Rob Thompson, which sums up his primary goal as a marine conservationist. Behavioral change is essential if we are to alter the Earth's critical fate. Extending the product life cycle of all plastic products is at the very heart of the circular economy and what we do.
To date all the material we have recycled has found itself being transformed back into granulate, pellets or filaments suitable for rotomolding, weaving and injection molding all having a plethora of exciting applications within the circular economy; these could either be in our very own branded products such as our infamous kayaks, bins, tote boxes, handplanes and SUPs or in other industries using our material such as the automotive industry, home cleaning products, fashion industry, garden furniture and more.

The Net Regeneration Scheme was created to be a sustainable and preventative solution to solving part of the marine-litter crisis by bringing together the whole community and encouraging everyone to play their part. Through it's hard and honest work it endeavors to inspire all to consider shifting to a circular economy for a better world.''Providing free port reception facilities for recycling and a coordinated collection plan were the most valuable things we could do. In effect, what we were striving to achieve was to empower the fishing industry through providing the necessary resources they needed to become the best possible custodians of the sea’’ -Robert Thompson
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