Morrisons - Wild Caught Seafood

Morrisons - Wild Caught Seafood

Around 10% of all marine litter is derived from the fishing industry so we recognise our supply chain has a big part to play in supporting the reduction of marine litter and helping with the clean up of our oceans. Since 2018 and 2019 respectively, we have supported Fathoms Free and Odyssey Innovations in the South West of the UK, home to important and productive mixed fisheries that supply our fresh fish counters. This has helped support volunteer conservation organisations fund clean up activity in around the South West coastline and is helping provide end of life recycling solutions for fishermen.

We also recognise the value of the work the Global Ghost Gear Initiative has undertaken in identifying best practice for the fishing industry and draw upon their guidance when reviewing prospective sources of fish and seafood.

Net Regeneration Scheme: a pioneering solution for recycling fishing gear in the UK by Odyssey Innovation Ltd from Odyssey Innovation

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