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Odyssey Innovation's groundbreaking efforts in tackling the global plastic waste crisis have caught the attention of some of the world's most prominent media outlets, including the BBC, Forbes, Sky Ocean Rescue, ITV, Times, Cornwall Live, and Devon Live, among others.
With only 9% of plastic waste currently being recycled globally, and the alarming prediction by the UN that plastic pollution in oceans will triple in the next two decades, Odyssey Innovation's mission is more critical than ever. They are not only committed to reducing ocean plastic pollution but also to supporting local communities and governmental bodies in their sustainability initiatives.
Odyssey's unique approach, which combines environmental activism with the creation of innovative, recycled plastic products like kayaks, bins, and handplanes, is poised to make a lasting impact on the fight against plastic pollution while garnering the attention and support of the world's leading media outlets.
Some of the amazing mentions we've had...
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Sky Ocean Rescue
Western Morning News
The Times
Devon Live
Cornwall Live
Blog posts
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New Adventure Unlocked: Exploring Uncharted Wat...
Fatyak Kayaks, a leading name in the kayaking industry, has made a significant stride towards a more sustainable future. By collaborating with Odyssey Innovation, they are now the world's first...
New Adventure Unlocked: Exploring Uncharted Wat...
Fatyak Kayaks, a leading name in the kayaking industry, has made a significant stride towards a more sustainable future. By collaborating with Odyssey Innovation, they are now the world's first...
KIA Motors X Odyssey Innovation: Moving Togethe...
At Odyssey Innovation, our mission has always been clear: save our seas by innovatively converting problematic plastic waste into fun, high quality, attractive and full-circular products that will shift people's approach to waste. ...
KIA Motors X Odyssey Innovation: Moving Togethe...
At Odyssey Innovation, our mission has always been clear: save our seas by innovatively converting problematic plastic waste into fun, high quality, attractive and full-circular products that will shift people's approach to waste. ...
Odyssey Innovation shortlisted in the Sustainab...
Odyssey Innovation has been shortlisted for the Business Leader South West Awards 2024 in the Sustainable Business Of The Year category! Thank you to Business Leader for this recognition and to...
Odyssey Innovation shortlisted in the Sustainab...
Odyssey Innovation has been shortlisted for the Business Leader South West Awards 2024 in the Sustainable Business Of The Year category! Thank you to Business Leader for this recognition and to...